Friday, November 19, 2010

Jazz's Idea

I was talking with Remy and Lily a few weeks ago. I came up with this great idea. I told them, "We should make a cousins club. It is only for us, and then, we can blog about what we talk about!"Remy and Lily agreed, and now we have a great way to stay in contact. We are all very excited!

Please comment

So... What's Up?

Enough of this Miley Cyrus junk. Back to the REAL world. Last night I was chatting with Jazz, my other cousin. I understand that this blog used to be for Lily and I, but we decided it would be even more awesome if we added Jazz to the blog. I haven't been in contact with Jazz for the past few years, but from the times that I have talked to her, I can tell she will have some interesting things to say on this blog. If you have any questions, you can comment below. We will be adding an email soon.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Remy's Opinion on Miley Cyrus

I cannot stand Miley! She is too much of a brat and she cannot even look around at the world in front of her. Her music is also really bad. It is always the same. Never catchy, never fun or upbeat, and she lip- syncs! Miley Cyrus is a boring person. That is why these posts are so short about her.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Jazz's Opinion On Miley Cyrus

           My opinion of Miley Cyrus is... I think she thinks too much about
how she looks and less about the people watching.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Remy's Take on The Beatles

I think the Beatles were a great band. They really expressed themselves with there music. There thoughts and feelings went into their work, you could tell. All that you have to do to start getting into their music is listen to one of their songs. My personal favorite is "Revolution". This is a song I really like. It gave me a sense of what was going on in the world. The Beatles were a cool band!!!

Lily's take on the Beatles

              The Beatles are a great band or should I say were a 
great band. They have fantastic music, my favorite song by 
the Beatles would probably be Rocky Raccoon I personally 
would highly suggest the Beatles for your winter music playlist, 
in fact I suggest the Beatles for your year round playlist! They
are truly a great band!


Top 6 Books To Read by: Lily

1. Allie Finkle Rules For Girls By: Meg Cabot

2. Number the Stars By: Lois Lowry

3. Diary of a Wimpy Kid By: Jeff Kinney

4. My Last Best Friend By: Julie Bowe

5. The Mother-Daughter Book Club By: Heather Vogel Fredrick

6. Life as we Know it By: Susan Pfeffer

Top 5 Books For Remy

1. The Magician's Elephant By: Kate DeCamillo

2. Autumn Street By: Lois Lowry

3. Savvy By: Ingrid Law

4. Way Down Deep  By: Ruth White

5: The Giver By: Lois Lowry

(*Bonus book: Number The Stars By: Lois Lowry)

What This Blog is About

This blog will be mainly about Lily and Remy and Jazz's random thoughts. We are cousins (2nd cousins) but we live really far away. Remy lives in California, and Lily lives in Oklahoma, and Jazz lives in Seattle. The posts will be mainly about anything. If you have any suggestions, please comment!

Please no rude comments or spam! :)
